Branding Guide

Our Branding guide aims to help everyone in the company to understand how to position our brand in the market, which can be used by any team at any time.


Colors significantly impact our perceptions, improve memorization and recognition, and create a bold and memorable identiy. Harmoniously using colors brings a sense of brand authority and inspires confidence in the audience.

Brand colors

Primary Color


Secondary Color


Other colors





Dark colors

Dark 1


Dark 2


Dark 3


Dark 4


Light colors

Light 1


Light 2


Light 3


Light 4



Typography contributes to legibility and engagement, immersing the reader in our content and connecting them with our brand.


Google font



Name Font weight Font size Line height

Display 1

Bold 61px 1.5 x font size

Heading 1

Bold 48px 1.5 x font size

Heading 2

Bold 40px 1.5 x font size

Heading 3

Bold 32px 1.5 x font size

Heading 4

Bold 25px 1.5 x font size

Heading 5

Regular 20px 1.5 x font size

Lead Paragraph

Regular / Bold 20px 1.5 x font size

Body Normal

Regular / Bold 16px 1.5 x font size

Body Small

Regular / Bold 14px 1.5 x font size

Body Extra Small

Regular / Bold 12px 1.5 x font size

Virtual Events

Create an inviting, engaging and relatable feel with realistic lighting and color. Each event has a different briefing, some are more serious and some are more fun. The designer has the freedom to create according to the event's needs, always bringing colors and a layout that reflect the company's standards.

The font that names the event can be different from teh default one (check if the font is free and can be used by companies), but the source of support must always be Lato. You can search Freepik or Envato Elements (look for the Magic file in your marketing drive) for graphics and vectors that make sense for the event.

InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation


Always check if the event will be digital or in person, if it is in person, it is necessary to create files for printing with the CMYK pattern within Adobe Illustrator. You must be very careful when sending files, and if necessary, talk to the events team to resolve any doubts.

InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation


For the blogpost we only use photographs, which is why it is so important to read and understand the content. Use colors that correspond to what is being written in more serious content use colors that convey this characteristic, in the same way with more cheerful content.

InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation


The font we use is Lato. Always try to keep it simple by adding a photo and a color with transparency. In case it is a special blogpost of an event, it is possible to make some adaptations but never leaving our standard item placement.

InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation

Social Media

Those responsible for creating events and blogposts already export images to social networks, but often we need to create images that will only be posted on social networks. To create images that will only be posted on social networks.

To create your image you must first understand waht must be passed with that content, after that you must understand if it is necessary to use photos or illustrations.

For photos you can search Freepik or Envato Elements (look for the Magic file in your marketing drive) for images that make sense.

For illustrations you should use which is a very useful free illustration site as you can change colors on it and all vectors have the same graphic style which brings greater consistency to the brand.

InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation
InEvent Branding documentation


Remember to always use the Lato font and follow the company's color standard. For the creation of small ADS and Thumbnails try to focus more on the title, make sure it is readable and eye-catching, if the sizes is too small it is not necessary to use photos or illustrations as they will possibly be too pixelated and unrecognizable.

InEvent Branding documentation

Ash and his friends

Ash is our company mascot and represent every InEventer, being a symbol for a receptive and helpful character. We should use Ash in internal materials, particularly in lighthearted topics and FAQs. We should use his friends within internal content such as training, tips and other items.

InEvent Branding documentation


Additionally, use colors that match Ash or his friends to maintain visual consistency between the created designs. Always use Ash and his friends in an appropriate context for playfullness. Avoid using them in contexts where the tone is more serious.

InEvent Branding documentation

The complete platform for all your events

Pedro Goes

[email protected]

+1 470 751 3193

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